In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) there are five primary methods of healing. These can be categorised into acupuncture, massage, moxibustion (or moxa), cupping therapy, and herbal medicine. These treatments can be connected with the five elements (earth, wood, fire, metal, and water) to assist in understanding the holistic healing approach to the body. This is one healing approach in TCM that connects specific therapies to the elements.
Linking these body elements to the TCM therapies can look like:
Interestingly, each of the five methods of TCM healing can be linked to the body elements and can help support or improve upon the key areas of healing within these categories. Although, it is important to note that this approach is just one way of thinking in TCM. The therapies involved in TCM are important and beneficial for the body, mind, and soul holistically as the energy involved in each of these therapies helps improve and balance the flow of qi throughout the body’s meridians. However, these therapies can also be found to have benefits on specific, connected aspects of the body.
This means that:
The holistic healing approach, which is integral to TCM, is also applied to each element and associated treatment option. This elemental thinking doesn’t rely on a point-to-point treatment that immediately expresses benefits, but is beneficial on a broader scope. The holistic approach doesn’t just focus on a specific issue, but treats the body as a whole, interconnected system where no symptom or issue is treated in isolation. This means that as symptoms arise in specific places, the root causes of these health concerns can be addressed by focusing on the rest of the body so that no aspect is neglected and the issue area isn’t being overtreated. This holistic approach to treatment creates balance within the body and improves health issues from the inside out.
The five elements of this healing concept can be given to clients as a method to mind-fully address their health concerns in a relatively stress-free environment. This is recommended instead of a disease and pathological methods approach to diagnosis, which can lead to stress, enhancing the present sickness and symptoms, and affecting the healing and balance of the problem.
This approach can empower clients as they can take charge and initiate their health journeys at home and throughout their daily lives, to either improve or support chronic conditions. By doing this, clients can exercise assertiveness and feel less helpless in the medical and health environment.
Written by Lili Henderson-Clark